Kate Bonner
Somewhere in there is a true thing
September 11 - October 31, 2020


Kate Bonner
Somewhere in there is a true thing
September 11 - October 31, 2020

2831 Mission St

One outcome of current events is that I feel disconnected from my past and my future. I hold fragmented memories that I don’t know where to place, patterns of thinking that are unproductive given an uncertain future.

There are many lies out there and they have a power and they can join together to make real things happen. And the true things can fade into a fog that feels like a fiction. I'm circling inside of that fog, mining it for details that are real, and building with them.

Somewhere in there is a true thing.

These paintings gather fragments into new frameworks. By joining together they attempt to build something solid, to collect something true, in a shifting and unsteady moment.

I’m painting by hand and I’m painting on my computer and contemplating the fake and the real in all of it. There is a perception that handmade things are more genuine than digital gestures but they can be equally manipulative or forthright. Hand and digital on canvas, physical objects in physical space, able to be referenced.

These paintings fold in on themselves to protect, they fold back on themselves as they attempt to reconstruct. These paintings guard their own inner reality. Cutouts in the images betray an inner confusion and chaos. The layered images depict second guesses.